For about the past six months I have had reoccurring bouts with tonsilitis. My tonsils and lymph nodes in my mouth swell up, making it difficult to eat and swallow. Finally, about a month ago, my doctor referred me to a specialist. He told me it was my choice whether to take them out or not but that I should probably wait one more time, and if I got it again, take them out for sure. So...I decided that I wanted to take them out anyways. I didn't want to wait to get sick again. The receptionist told me my insurance sucked and she would have to check in on it. During this time, I got tonsilitis again. That was the final straw. I told her I'm doing it no matter what. Fortunately, my insurance worked out well enough to where I won't have to pay too much, and they were able to schedule me for the 29th of December. Nerves came over me like no other. I have very bad anxiety and that did not help me one bit. I arrived at the hospital at 8am, unaware that I would be in an outpatient room for two hours until surgery. I was not a happy camper. Anyways, I got in in an hour and a half. The anesthesiologist gave me some medicine in the room and wheeled me off. I was so damn drowsy!! But then he gave me something else, put an oxygen mask over me and the next thing I remember is trying to wake up. I must have passed the hell out. lol. It was really hard to wake up because I was so groggy and just wanted my mom. I had to wait about a half hour before they wheeled me back but they did and I was happy to have it over with. I left the hospital at about 2pm. I am now just eating soft foods. All I have managed to get down in jello, a popsicle, and some mashed potatoes. It's really hard to swallow :( I have to wait until tomorrow morning to take the medication for swelling. However, I am on very nice pain meds which I take 3 of every 3 hours. This means that I have to wake up every three hours though. Blahhhh. So...I just wanted to let everybody know what I'm doing. Glad I have them out and glad I won't be so sick anymore but right now it sucks. Plus, school starts next week, so I'm hoping I feel plenty better so I don't have to miss any class. Okay, gonna go now. Hope everybody is having a good week so far!
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