Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Happy Birthday

My dear Nicole,

7 months without you has felt like a lifetime. Literally. I can't even put into words how much I miss you. You were always there to give me advice. You never judged me. You were a true friend. I miss our talks. I miss being able to text you and just simply say 'I love you' and have you respond with 'I love you too.' There are so many things I want to say and wished I would have said to you. You are honestly the most beautiful soul I have ever met. I hold you in the safest, deepest place in my heart. I try not to be sad, but it's hard to move on after losing such an amazing friend.

I know that you are no longer in pain. I know that you are happy and smiling. You're right where you should be. I wish you were here so that we could celebrate your birthday with you but I'm sure you're partying it up in heaven. haha (okay maybe not). I love you so very much and am so proud and fortunate that I was able to call you my good friend. Happy Birthday my love. Your first in heaven :)

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