Monday, May 30, 2011

I Blame You

You said that losing my daughter should be taken as a lesson learned. No. Being pregnant was the most beautiful thing and I was so happy. I have no regret over that-only that I created a child with you. How can you not love your own child, what you and I created? Oh, because it wasn't even yours? You're a piece of shit. You and I both know that baby was yours. I can't believe you would deny a child. You can think whatever you want about me but that was your baby too. I am grieving alone and it's not fair. You should be here for me. I couldn't raise our daughter alone and I can't cope with losing her alone. I'm so angry with you. I blame you for so many things. How could you? We were going to have a child and you fucked it up. We were going to have a little blessing and you couldn't get past your ego. I hope you live with that guilt everyday, just as I live with the sadness of losing my daughter everyday. The pain is unbearable. How can you go on with your life like nothing happened? I hate you. I really, truly hate you. You are sad and pathetic. I blame you for losing my daughter. You took my baby from me. That is unforgivable. I hope you burn asshole.

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