Thursday, June 09, 2011

I Don't Know How To Be Something You Miss

We were going to have a child. I fell in love with you right then and there. I knew you would be a good daddy. That's a huge reason as to why I wasn't worried about being pregnant. I knew you would be there and help support our baby. I thought that things could work out and we could get to know each other more and do things as a family-like picking out things that we needed for the baby or going out with our families & friends. I'm sad that none of that happened. I really wanted the baby and I definitely wanted you to be apart of our lives. But I can't believe you just dipped on me. Did our friendship before mean anything at all to you? I'm very disappointed and hurt by how you have been ignoring me the past 4 months. It's not fair that I have to go through this alone. Do you even care that you lost your baby too? I don't know what I can say to make you care. I don't know how to make me or the baby something you miss.

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