Friday, December 17, 2010


This week has been crazy to say the least. A man who completely rejected me months ago has realized what an asshole he was and wants to hang out. A man who I had a crush on, who told me that he didn't feel the same, told me he thinks I'm really cute and wants to hook up. Then there's Kent. Sweet, beautiful Kent. I haven't seen him in over a week because he was visiting family and has been sick but I really hope I get to see him soon. He's everything I've ever wanted in a man. He's hilarious, a homebody...and he likes to cuddle :) But I stuck feeling what I shouldn't be feeling for 2 dumbos with 2 completely different lives. Help!!!

On a side note, I am so incredibly happy to be the the Callaghan's on the 18th. I love being at family gatherings because I feel like they truly are my family. We talk all the time. We share our lives, share interesting facts. Everything I've ever wanted in a family is what they have and it's a beautiful thing. Just eating, making time together, and remember Nicole make for an incredible day. I know she will be happy we are doing this. She would want us to stay together and keep her memories alive. We always talk about her. "Oh Nicole, loved this movie," "Oh, Nicole would have this color there." I mean, she's still here. Inside of us. And being with her actually family brings her closer to me. I still miss her like hell. The days just linger without her here. But days like these about to come, these are the days that I am happiness because I feel like I'm seeing her again-just not physically, but mentally and spiritually. Happy Holiday to you Nic. I know you will be with us laughing your beautiful laugh. I love that.


  1. Never settle. You obviously already stated that the other two are "dumbos." If they wrong you once chances are they will do it again. Any guy can tell you that you're beautiful and can say they like you but it takes the right one to PROVE it to you. I love you babe and I don't want you to get hurt anymore. Follow YOUR heart and love will find it's way to you. Trust me although it's been years, Cory surely wasn't my only boyfriend. I had to go through a few to find him. We have so much to catch up on girl! :D <3

  2. Thanks girl. Yes I'm trying to go with my heart. But I'm afraid I won't get what my heart wants. That's why there's always a back up. But I understand why you're saying. I know need to be with men who will prove themselves to be not just say shit. Yes we have a lot to catch up on and I can't wait to see you :) loves <3
